Alia Schafer | Sound Design
Posted on November 23, 2021 by aliaschafer on Tutorials

Kino Armata Guest Lecture

Guest lecture for Kino ARMATA as Record label manager.

Alia Schafer will be a guest lecturer at Neo_School / Electronic Audio Production, a non-formal school module for the production of electronic music and sound, to be held at Kino ARMATA. Alia’s lecture will try to answer the following questions concerning music labels and distribution:

What should artists do to get discovered?
What production tips are important for the artists?
How to promote yourself as an artist?
How to achieve your targets as an artist?
What type of artists are labels looking for?
What advices are labels giving to artists?

Alia Schafer Guest Lecture:


Liako Records Label Concept:


About Neo_School / EAP
Kino ARMATA continues the series of education projects with Neo_School / Electronic Audio Production, a non-formal school module for the production of electronic music and sound. Between 18 October – 12 November 2021, selected candidates will have the opportunity to attend lectures on various aspects of music production, including field recording, sound effects, acoustics, synthesis, arrangement, software editing, mixing, etc. from the leaders in music theory and practice. After intensive theory sessions and developing the ideas for their projects, each participant will produce an audio track that will appear on a compilation to be released at the end of the project. They will be challenged individually and as a group to operate synthesizers, produce sounds, work on Ableton and other software, mix, and deal with other aspects of this process.

Neo_School is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Goethe Institut, German Embassy in Kosovo, Municipality of Prishtina and Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports.

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